past projects

King Richard III Memorial Plaque

This history-soaked memorial is a fitting tribute and displayed pride of place in the centre of Market Bosworth.

I was selected from a shortlist of artists to produce ‘a special, unique installation that would celebrate and commemorate’ the final journey of King Richard III from Market Bosworth to Leicester Cathedral.

I created this piece from conception to completion for Market Bosworth Parish Council, using beautiful Broughton Moor Cumbrian green slate to really bring a sense of occasion and drama to the piece.

Hand carved lettering and heraldry adorns this beautiful stone which now sits in Market Bosworth Square to delight and captivate future generations.

King Richard 3rd
King Richard 3rd
King Richard 3rd
King Richard 3rd

Herring Shoes

A plaque to celebrate the luxury and success of this British business.

To celebrate an incredible 50 years in business and the expansion of their site, luxury shoe retailer Herring Shoes commissioned me to create a plaque to display in their brand new headquarters.

This stone piece was hand carved in Nabresina limestone to create a real impact and allow the heraldry and font to shine.

Herring Shoes
Herring Shoes
Herring Shoes

Wreake Valley Craftsmen

A plaque to celebrate the expansion and growth of this wonderful company.

After the expansion of their business, Wreake Valley Craftsmen commissioned me to create a impressive new sign to showcase their beautiful branding and continuing success.

Hand carved in Woodkirk sandstone, this branded plaque was a joy to create.

Wreake Valley Craftsmen
Wreake Valley Craftsmen
Wreake Valley Craftsmen
Wreake Valley Craftsmen

Pimlico Pub Company

A piece to be seen and admired… and touched.

Originally commissioned for mounting outside Pimlico Pub Company Headquarters, this delicately carved plaque echoing their company logo was loved so much by the owners that they decided it needed to be mounted inside so it could be admired and touched by their impressed customers.

Crafted in Welsh slate, this hand carved beauty is a very tactile piece and now hangs above the fireplace in front of Pimlico’s happy crowd.

pimlico pub company
pimlico pub company
pimlico pub company

Messenger & Co.

A long lasting impression of times gone by…

This particular plaque was an exhibition piece for a recent event at Nanpantan Hall.

This piece of Welsh slate was hand carved with the logo of Messenger & Co- a renowned manufacturer of glasshouses and conservatories who were established in 1858. The plaque marks the spot in the walled garden where they once stood.

Every effort was taken to carve the stone following the original logo as closely as possible, which explains the variations in the serifs. The distinct charm of this piece has stood the test of time- I’m pleased it’ll be enjoyed once again by many more people for years to come.

Messenger and Co LTD
Messenger and Co LTD
Messenger and Co LTD

The Guinea Pig Club Memorial

A permanent reminder of true sacrifice and incredible friendship.

This poignant war memorial was hand cut in cumbrian green slate as part of a piece for Graeme Mitcheson, the renowned sculptor and artist. I provided the letter cutting for his fantastic client, The Guinea Pig Club. This is a group of British and allied air crew who were injured in World War II and required experimental plastic surgery, hence the name The Guinea Pig Club. During their stay for treatment, the patients formed a social club and became firm friends and guardians for each other.

It was a genuine pleasure to be able to work on this project, which was unveiled by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.

The Guinea Pig Club Memorial
The Guinea Pig Club Memorial
Pig web 3
The Guinea Pig Club Memorial

The NAAFI Memorial

To remember the hands who fed us during one of this nation’s most challenging times.

This inscription was in memory of more than 550 NAAFI staff who lost their lives in World War II and to commemorate all members of the Expeditionary Force Institutes and Naval Canteen Service.

Hand cut in Crosland Hill Yorkstone, this stone lettering was provided for Graeme Mitcheson to compliment his incredible work in designing and carving the monument for the NAAFI. It now sits proudly at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.

The Naafi Memorial
The Naafi Memorial
Naafi detail web
the naafi memorial